Student and laptop

General revision advice for students

1. Start NOW. Don’t leave it until the last moment. With careful planning you should be able to take the exams in your stride.

2. Identify the subjects that require a lot of learning and the areas that you feel weak in. Work on these.

3. Your concentration will lapse if you try to do too much on a subject at once. Between half an-hour and one hour will probably be the optimum time. Efficiency will fall after a few hours, so do not attempt to revise continuously. Three hours at a stretch should be the absolute maximum. Allow a break of at least five minutes an hour.

4. Make out a revision program based on the time available. Set yourself a realistic task – one that can be achieved with effort (e.g. to use any excess homework time you may have + an extra half hour a day + an hour a day at weekends). For the holidays the formula will be different. Try to make your revision timetable organized and detailed, timetabling breaks and noting particular topics you intend revising. (e.g. not just Geography but “location of industry” etc…) Work out how many hours you have allocated to each subject. Have you allocated your time in proportion to the quantity of notes to be revised? You could possibly spend a little time on your weaker subjects, but do not neglect any subjects.

5. Make your revision active. Don’t just sit in front of a book staring at it!!! It doesn’t work!

6. Various revision aids are published for different subjects. (These are available at our online shop) If these help you, by all means use them, but they are not a substitute for the hard work which is essential for success.

7. Above all, don’t deceive yourself that late night revision the day before the exam is either desirable or helpful. In the exam period you will need a clear head and a good night’s sleep. Cramming at the last minute will only muddle you. You should only consider glancing through your summary notes the night before an exam.

8. You will have some topics that you understand really well and that you hope will come up. Learn these very thoroughly.

9. Relaxation is also important. You must achieve a balance between this and work to make your revision really effective. You should certainly be able to complete your work and revision, and still play sport, belong to a Youth Club etc…

10. If you are worried or anxious, do not bottle it up. Please have a word with your parents, friends or teachers and get it sorted out.

11. Go give those exams a good kicking up the backside!!!